
Junk food
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Getting fat
Coach potato
Crisps – family sized packets
Sedentary lifestyle
School dinners
Fatty/ unhealthy food
The Food Revolution is about children’s food
Children can’t accept the new healthier menu
It’s hard to create innovation (hard to change the minds of the children)
The challenge is to persuade 20,000 kids to eat the healthier food
London – borough of Greenwich
60 head dinner ladies
It is often said that in the UK there is the highest rate of obesity epidemic, for instance ready meals and takeaways.
To have better concentration in afternoon classes, children need a hot meal at lunchtime.
It means that the food which they eat at school is the only nutritious food children get in day.
You could make a schedule of the menu to include fruit and vegetables, remove junk food.
By 2025, it is said that just under half the people living in the UK will be obese. 2 out of 5 people will have developed obesity by 2025.
Please write a short report stating your paraphased facts and making recommendations on the problem of childhood obesity in the UK.

Passive: L6

L7 notes from today's lesson

General reasons for private medicine:
·      It gives a better service than public – faster, thorough check-up/ diagnosis, accurate prescriptions given to patients, shorter waiting time (more active level of service provision)
·      High quality technology
·      More experienced/ highly qualified staff (doctors/ specialists)
·      Cleaner – higher level of cleanliness
General reasons for public medicine:
·      Free!
·      Equal treatment of people irrespective of their status (poor/ rich)
·      All illnesses (serious/ chronic) are covered
·      Don’t give higher doses of medicine with side effects
·      Only gives treatment when necessary – more guidelines
General reasons against private medicine:
·      Insurance doesn’t cover all types of illness (small print details exclude certain types of sports or conditions)
·      People are sometimes given treatment of medicine which is unnecessary
General reasons against public medicine:
  • Staff are overworked and do not have enough time to explain additional information or more thorough examination
  • Don’t always explain the process or alternatives


As reminder (especially for Vinh!).....

Thursday 24th May we will be going to the Science Museum.
Meet at 10am (don't be late) outside the Learning Centre at London Met.
Bring your mobile phone.

Before we meet on Thursday, make sure you have:

- become my friend on Facebook
- downloaded the Facebook App onto your phone:

Blackberry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCacRbqgOUk

I am setting up your groups on Facebook now so you can practise uploading photos or text as soon as you become a member.

Please email me if you have any questions!

L6 homework

1. Relative clauses practice:



If you want more advanced practice, try this website (exercises are at the bottom)

2. Speaking work:

"Should we ban mobile phones and 
laptops from lessons?"

Try to use some relative clauses in your speaking!

L6 non-defining relative clauses

Check the answers to today's non-defining relative clauses work:
2. Last month I went back to Oxford, where I studied history.
3. Annie Costello, whose opinions have always been highly regarded, became Presidents of the NUS this year.
4. There are over 36,000 students at the Uni of Manchester, which is the biggest...
The University of Manchester, which is the biggest university in the UK, has over 36,00 students.
5. Aristole, who studied under Plato, wrote books on many subjects.
Aristole, who wrote books on many subjects, studied under Plato.
6. Hilary studied politics at Harvard, where she has just been offered a professorship.

L6 Defining Relative Clauses

Vowel Sounds

Is this what you meant Cesar?!

L6 homework

1. Write answers to the questions we discussed from page 80, exercise 1, on your blog. Try to write a paragraph, not one word answers.

2. Record yourself talking about mixed-sex/ single-sex schools. 
You could talk about.... your school experience, 
                                 what is good/bad about mixed-sex schools
                                 what is good/bad about single-sex schools
                                 which you would prefer for your children in the future.

Use www.soundcloud.com to make your recording.

Click 'share' to embed it to your blog.

Let me know if you have any problems!