L4 used to

1.       He/ live / Tufnell Park.
He used to live in Tufnell Park.
2.       There/ be/ two shops.
There were two shops in 1960.
There used to be two shops
3.       He/ not have / washing machine
He didn’t have a washing machine when he was young.
He didn’t use to have washing machine.
4.       He/ travel / by bus
He travelled by bus.          He used to travel by bus.
5.       Tony Blair / live/ in Islington
TB lived in Islington           TB used to live in Islington
6.       People / not watch/ many American films
People didn’t watch…..   People didn’t use to watch…
Tony Blair used to live in Islington
State = he lived in London but now he doesn’t
Finished action in the past
He used to travel by bus.
Repeated action = he travelled by bus repeatedly in the past
Finished action in the past
I lived in Plymouth when I was 10 years old. (when)
I used to live in Plymouth (don’t need to know when)
Subject (I, he)  + USED TO   +  infinitive (go)
Subject   +  didn’t       + USE TO   + infinitive
Did + subject +  USE TO + infinitive …?

L4 futures

Going to:  http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/goingtofuture/menu.php

Will: http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/willfuture/menu.php
Present continuous: http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/presentformsforfuture/menu.php

What’s the difference?
1.              Oh, it’s cold. I’ll shut the window
Ø   decision at moment of speaking
2.              I think Chelsea will beat Arsenal.
Ø   Opinion, prediction
3.              I’m going to have lunch with my friend on Tuesday.
Ø   Plan, intention
4.              I’m having lunch with my brother tomorrow;
    I’ve booked the table.
Ø   Arrangement
5.              I might visit Oxford on Saturday.
Ø   Not sure, 50/50

L9: Self-study video: Bill Gates on Malaria and Education

In this video, Bill Gates discusses malaria and education.
You only need to watch the first part of the video - stop at 8m10s.
Summarize in 200 words. Use the subtitles if you need them!

Link: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/bill_gates_unplugged.html

Shorter practice> read and listen to this article on the BBC:
BBC Article

L4: 29.08

afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, care, choose, dare, decide,

deserve, expect, forget, happen, help, hope, learn, manage, offer, pretend,

promise, refuse, seem, threaten, want, wish
admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, face,

fancy, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, can´t help, imagine, keep, look forward to,

mind, miss, practise, put off, resist, risk, can´t stand, suggest, understand
advise, allow, ask, cause, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, invite,

leave, like, love, mean, need, order, permit, persuade, prefer, recommend,

remind,  teach, tell, want, warn, wish

Thelma´s boss refuses to give her a pay rise.  I´ve arranged to see the doctor on Tuesday.

Andrew admitted cheating in the exam.  Elena has given up smoking

Dennis persuaded me to go on holiday with him.  Can you ask the taxi driver to wait

advise, allow, can´t bear, begin, continue, forbid, forget, go, hate, intend, like, love, prefer,

remember*, start, stop*, try*
 *These verbs change meaning

I was on my way home when it started to rain
= I was on my way home when it started raining

  Adapted from: http://www.fiestaesl.com/tableverbpatterns.html

extra homework: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/flatmates/episode30/languagepoint.shtml